Friday, July 31, 2020
DC Comics: The Official Gotham City Cocktail Book is the ultimate guide to crafting classic drinks inspired by the heroes and villains of Gotham City.

Batman: The Official Gotham City Cocktail Book is based on the colorful heroes, villains, and locations of Gotham City, this collection of delectably enticing cocktails takes readers on a trip through the home of the Dark Knight.
Drink recipes are inspired by everyone from Batman himself to Poison Ivy, Commissioner Gordon, and the Joker. The book also includes step-by-step instructions and tips along with beautiful color photography on how to craft the perfect cocktail, and curate a selection of tasteful bar bites to pair with the beverages.
Here’s a sneak peek preview for the "Poison Ivy's Rose Mojito" drink recipe which calls for crushed mint and lime, sugar, ice, white rum and club soda.
